This article will help you add/change CNAME records for your landing pages when using Namecheap as your domain host.
Logging on and Accessing DNS Manager:
- Log on to your account and click on My Account and select Manage Domains,
- Under Domain Name, click on the domain name you wish to modify
- Click on All Host Records under Host Management menu on the left side of the screen
You will then be taken to a page where you can add/change CNAME’s.
Setting a CNAME:
Enter your unique CNAME under the IP ADDRESS/URL field on the www row of the Host Name and select CNAME (Alias) from the RECORD TYPE dropdown menu.
** To find your CNAME in your KickoffLabs account: Go to the “Account” tabs and select “Custom Domains” from the drop-down menu. Your CNAME will be listed under the “Points To” column.
Setting up your sub-domain is done in a similar way. For this example, using signup as your subdomain, you would enter signup under the SUB-DOMAIN SETTINGS field, your custom domain (see instructions on locating above) under the IP ADDRESS/URL field and select CNAME (Alias) from the RECORD TYPE dropdown menu,
Scroll down and click on Save Changes to accept the records.
Now you can publish a landing page to your newly added Custom Domain.
- Back in your KickoffLabs Dashboard, choose the campaign and locate the landing page you want to publish. Click the arrow cog on the far right side of the page name and select “Page Settings” from the dropdown. Then scroll to publishing and select “Change URL.”
- Select your custom domain from the 2nd dropdown menu. You can also add a path to the page in the 3rd field (like /thanks or /thank-you for the thank you page). This is optional, but allows you to publish multiple pages to the same subdomain.
- Then click ‘Publish Landing Page’.
Important Note for Customers with Existing Domains:
It may take a little while for the DNS changes to fully propagate. How long depends on your the TTL of your DNS provider. A safe estimate is usually double what time it says. During this time anything you have published to this domain will still be available.
If you have trouble setting up your domain, or have any questions in general send an email to