With a Custom Domain Redirect, you can specify where we should send any requests which do not match a published landing page (on your custom domain).
This redirect will be used any time a page on your domain is requested and cannot be found. This can be any URL you want, it can be another KickoffLabs landing page OR a custom URL linking to a page/site not hosted by us.
It’s the perfect solution if visitors mistype the URL of your landing page, or simply land on a custom domain URL without a published page.
*Note that you first need to setup a Custom Domain within KickoffLabs to use this feature.
1. From the top menu, click “Account” then “Custom Domains” from the dropdown menu.
2. On the left menu, click Custom Domains. Find the Custom Domain you want to redirect, then click Manage Domain.
3. Scroll down and click Edit Redirect.
4. Enter the URL of your main site (or whatever URL you wish to use as your 404 page). Be sure to include the full URL, including the ‘https://’
5. When you’re done, click ‘Save Redirect URL’ to save your changes.
That’s it. Now all visitors reaching any other URL on your custom domain will be redirected to the redirect URL you setup here.
If you have any questions, please email support@kickofflabs.com