A great way to keep up with leads is through broadcast emails. This can be accomplished by using any of our CRM integrations, including Klaviyo. Including a KickoffLabs link is one way that you can encourage leads to regularly check their unique status page to view points, prizes, and share with friends. We automatically push the unique ID over to Klaviyo, but unlike Mailchimp, it involves a few extra steps to build. Follow the steps below to build your own Thank You link in your Klaviyo mails.
Start off by choosing a Klaviyo email to work on.
- Add a text widget to the email template
- Enter your KickoffLabs Thank You URL (including the ?kid= string into the text field Example: YourThankYouPagehere.com?kolid=
- From the “Insert Property” menu select “KickoffLabs Social ID”
- The property: {{ person|lookup:’Kickoff Labs Social ID’|default:” }} should now be added to your URL
Building a Unique Share Link
You can also include a link back to the landing page that leads can use to share with friends. To do so, follow the above steps and replace the Thank You URL portion with the landing page URL Example: https://YourLandingPageHere?kid={{ person|lookup:’Kickoff Labs Social ID’|default:” }}
Adding this link will award credit to the referrer (if you choose to award points for this action).